On the Safe Side –
With a Trust or Funeral Insurance

By making the necessary provisions to cover the cost of your funeral, you will be ensuring the farewell you want and taking the burden from your loved ones. There are two ways of doing so:

A trust with Bestattungsvorsorge Treuhand AG

The estimate we draw up for you will show the final cost of the funeral. This sum should be transferred into a trust as a one-off payment, where it will remain until required for the designated purpose. And should you require care later on, the money will be safeguarded from any third parties, including Social Services.

Funeral insurance

Another way of ensuring your funeral costs are covered is by paying regular premiums (monthly, quarterly, annually). This way, the costs will be covered in full within a reasonable time.

You can sign a funeral plan contract:              

  • Without a health check
  • Before commencing your 80th year of life
  • With affordable premiums
  • Without much bureaucracy
  • With a pro rata share of the profit
  • Without a waiting period for death *
  • With premiums of between €1,500 and €10,000
  • With monthly, annual or one-off payments

* If death due to natural causes occurs within twelve months of the contract commencing, the insurance payout will be calculated on the basis of twelfths of the sum insured. Insurance cover applies in full for accidental death from the date the contract commences.

To help you decide what’s best for you, we will be pleased to give you detailed advice and all the time you need to discuss the options with your family. Please contact us for an appointment.

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