After the loss of someone close, it is important to come to terms with one’s own grief. Coming to terms with your feelings takes time and can be physically and emotionally exhausting. And yet the grieving process is also an indispensable source of vitality, as hope is rekindled and you begin to look to a brighter future.
How you grieve is for you to decide. You may find deliberate acts of remembrance or personal symbolic rituals help you deal with your loss. We will be pleased to work through some ideas for your personal rituals with you, such as visiting places that bring back fond memories or cooking your grandma’s favourite recipe. If you feel you need help handling your grief, we will be pleased to put you in touch with an understanding source of support in the local area.
We also have a wealth of literature on dealing with grief and will be happy to lend you some of our books if you wish. If you are interested, please ask.